Who we are
The Latin American and the Caribbean Hydrogen Network (REDLAC-H2) is an independent forum that facilitates the rapprochement and cooperation between the community of the LAC Region to accelerate the development and use of Hydrogen among different productive, economic, and social sectors, which contributes to deep decarbonization in the countries in a sustainable, sustainable and inclusive way.
For further development of HYDROGEN to accelerate the energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean
Promote the collaboration among countries of the LAC Region for Hydrogen technology development, with the priority to achieve economic, environmental, and social benefits to improve the population’s quality of life.
To be the reference forum in the LAC Region to support national strategies for Hydrogen development from a perspective of technical analysis, constructive dialogue, and effective execution of high-impact projects.
Strategic pillars
REDLAC-H2 is designed with six Strategic Pillars, with a great vision to accelerate the use of Hydrogen technology in the LAC Region.
I. Effective public policies
To promote governmental management through the formulation of effective, fair, and transparent public policies that provide confidence and certainty in decision-making for the implementation of Hydrogen projects.
II. Active private participation
Promote the active participation of the private sector in the development of innovative and strategic projects that serve as a catalyst in the acceleration of investments and the implementation of hydrogen technology throughout its value chain.
III. Sustainable environmental protection
Prioritize environmental protection during the life-cycle in the development of hydrogen projects and through effective actions for adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
IV. Ongoing training and innovation
Encourage education centers and research institutes to develop new training tools and undertake innovative projects for research, development, and demonstration of hydrogen technologies.
V. Affordable Financing
Facilitate the mobilization of financing for different development sectors through dialogue with available funds from international multilateral banks, national and/or private banks, and climate funds, to serve as a catalyst for new investment models in the region.
VI. Inclusive civil society
Involve civil society actors, in an equitable, diverse, and inclusive way, to generate greater collaboration and participation in different sectors for Hydrogen development, thus achieving decent opportunities that improve the quality of life in the general population.
How we do
REDLAC-H2 offers dialogue, communication, education, and ongoing advice through analytical studies, publications of interest, initiative proposals, and the development of Events and Webinars with international experts.
Equity-Diversity-Inclusion (EDI-H2)
REDLAC-H2 identifies the importance of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) of societies for Hydrogen development in the LAC Region. The perspective of Hydrogen growth in the region for 2050 is promising, however, great efforts should be made in order to develop EDI-H2 Strategies with effective goals in governments, companies, and organizations, which widely reduce the gap in access to equal opportunities, evolve in the representativeness of society, and the adhesion of vulnerable and discriminated groups.
The proposal of the EDI-H2 Initiative is based on the Strategic Pillar VI of REDLAC-H2, which establishes that greater collaboration and participation in different sectors of society can be generated for Hydrogen development, achieving a better quality of life in the general population.
Education is undoubtedly the strongest pillar of development, accompanied by sustainability and durability. As part of an integral growth in the LAC Region, a vitally important group of the population are the children, who will be the new generation that will face different challenges in the future. Therefore, Hydrogen, which is the most abundant element with enormous environmental, economic, and social benefits, should be presented and studied in a creative and fun way.
REDLAC-H2 identifies children as the link between education and development, proposing the Hi-KIDS Initiative with the objective of providing knowledge of Hydrogen to students of basic education through creative tools in which they can interact in a fun way. This initiative is not only directed to children, but also to teachers, educators, and Hydrogen professionals, who will have to put into practice the use of the tools
The Team
We are a network of multidisciplinary and independent specialists with extensive experience in strategic Hydrogen development, and with great human sensitivity to the needs faced by the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region.
Contact us to learn more about our Team of Specialists and what we offer.
Contact us
E-mail: contact@redlac-h2.org