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A forum for dialogue and independent work for Hydrogen development in the LAC Region in a sustainable, durable and inclusive way.

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Webinars & Events
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Keep informed of Webinars organized by REDLAC-H2 and the most relevant International Events of Hydrogen in the LAC Region.

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EDI-H2 Initiative
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Towards a LAC Region with a greater Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

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Hi-KIDS (Hydrogen-KIDS), the Initiative for the new generation in the LAC Region.

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Who we are

The Latin-American and the Caribbean Hydrogen Network (REDLAC-H2) is a forum for dialogue and independent work that brings together the Hydrogen Community in the Latin-American and the Caribbean (LAC) region and the rest of the world, with the aim of accelerating the development and use of Hydrogen in the countries of the region in a sustainable, sustainable and inclusive way.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element of our planet and the Universe

LAC Region in numbers


Total hydrogen production is around 4.1 million tonnes (MT) in the LAC Region, which represents 5% of total global production, and it was mostly produced from fossil fuels in oil refineries. The largest producing countries of the LAC Region are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Mexico.


The Hydrogen trade balance in the LAC Region is heavily weighted towards imports, accounting for 4.6 million US dollars ($USD) at the end of 2021; imports mainly come from the United States. The largest importer of hydrogen is Mexico, followed by Colombia, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Peru.


Seven countries of the LAC Region have published Green Hydrogen Roadmaps or Strategies, which are a milestone to accelerate the use of Hydrogen in the region; countries with roadmaps in place are Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Trinidad and Tobago. Countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Panama, Peru, and Ecuador, are under the elaboration process.

The LAC Region is making significant progress in the development of policies and infrastructure for hydrogen projects; primarily Green Hydrogen. Seven (7) Green Hydrogen Roadmaps or Strategies have been published in the LAC Region, where the main objective has been the development of this technology to accelerate the decarbonization of sectors, economic growth and job oportunities. Overall, domestic production of Green Hydrogen in the LAC Region is forecast to be 4.5 MTon in 2030 and reaching 43.0 MTon in 2040.

Latest news!

Panama presents public consultation of the National Strategy for Green Hydrogen and Derivatives (ENHIVE)

April 28, 2023

The National Secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera Staff, presented the draft version of the National Strategy for Green Hydrogen and Derivatives (ENHIVE) for general consultation. The objectives of the ENHIVE are aimed at: turning Panama into a regional energy HUB; creating the legal and regulatory framework to encourage investments; fostering LAC integration; generating local and regional knowledge; and promoting domestic demand for Green Hydrogen by 2033…….Read more here

Source: Secretaría Nacional de Energía, Gobierno de Panamá.

Dominica signs Framework Agreement for the first geothermal Green Hydrogen development in the Caribbean

Abril 26, 2023

The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica has signed a Framework Agreement that will initiate the first large-scale green hydrogen geothermal development in the Caribbean. This agreement represents an important step taken by a Caribbean island to monetize its significant geothermal resources on a large scale, through the generation of green hydrogen and green electricity for both export and local consumption…………….Read more here

Source: OPM Pressroom, Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Ecopetrol is the first South American member of the Hydrogen Council.

January 18, 2023

The Hydrogen Council, a global initiative led by CEOs with a united vision and long-term ambition for hydrogen to foster the transition to clean energy, is expanding the diversity of its Board of Directors and announced Ecopetrol as its newest member………….Read more here.

Source: Hydrogen Council.

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